Welcome to A Geek History of Time! We’re a work in progress at the moment, please forgive the awkwardness as we figure out how this SquareSpace site works and we get the layout working more effectively. Thank you for coming, and we hope you enjoy the ‘cast!

Memorial Episode Rex Stem and the Gallic Wars Part I

Geektimers, we regret to have to tell you that friend of the show, Dr. Rex Stem died earlier this week. He was a thoroughly decent man, who embodied a very uncomplicated joy. He was an erudite man, with a very quick wit. We were lucky enough to have him bring his humor and intelligence to our show back in 2019.

We're reposting both episodes in memory of him, and so that we can hear his voice and laugh with him one more time.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Memorial Episode Rex Stem and the Gallic Wars Part II

Episode 78 - A Quiet Place for Rural Whites With Guest Johnny Taylor