Welcome to A Geek History of Time! We’re a work in progress at the moment, please forgive the awkwardness as we figure out how this SquareSpace site works and we get the layout working more effectively. Thank you for coming, and we hope you enjoy the ‘cast!

Episode 05- Thatcherism and Warhammer 40,000 (Part 2)

In the second half of Ed’s exploration of Maggie Thatcher’s influence over the grimdark of Warhammer 40,000, we see how it was different from anything else in the American gaming landscape when it came out. Damian shares his disillusionment with aspects of how Star Wars fandom has changed at the same time Ed complains about trolls ruining the Imperium of Man.

Episode 06- The Lost Cause and Professional Wrestling

Episode 04- Thatcherism and Warhammer 40,000